Thursday, December 27, 2012

...& the rest of the Tinsel.

We started the season with the best of intentions...

{insert real life}

...but in the end, we kind of petered out.

In the spirit of celebrating the days that get done, however, I wanted to share snapshots of Truth in the Tinsel, Days 13-21.

The flu hit our house on Day 22 and in between my fits of delirium naps, I did actually try to push through. My need for sleep eventually won out so the crafts sat untouched.

And then last night, in the midst of my bummed out attitude over missing a favorite Christmas party, I packed up all things Christmas.

So while maybe we'll still get to the remaining readings + crafts over Christmas break, I really kind of doubt it.

And that's OK.

Or at least, I'm working towards getting to a place where that's OK ;)

All in all, I enjoyed our Truth in the Tinsel experience. And mom to mom, in case you're thinking of doing this next year, here are my real, live opinions on this Advent experience.

Our kids were at good ages to appreciate it all (8, 6 & 3). Any younger than three, and I'm not sure how much a child would "get" out of it (as it was, nap time was often the easiest time for us to sit down with the big kids for the readings which means Mady sometimes missed out). Any older than eight, and a child might find the crafts too "easy".

It definitely helped to be prepared. If you try it next year, I'd use some days in early November to get everything gathered and ready to go. I had many supplies on hand already, like the felt, yarn, and paint and grabbed some of the more unique items at the dollar store or Hobby Lobby (i.e. glitter foam, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners.)

Back at home, I stashed everything in one big craft bin in the dining room and it was pretty easy to throw things together each day (or even better, the night before) once everything was in one place and easily accessible.

The kids have little Christmas trees in their rooms, so it worked well to hang ornaments there each day. If we did it again, I might not turn them all into ornaments (this is up to you most days - there are no specific instructions so the hot glue gun came in handy) and instead leave them out on the table in a big bowl or something. I can picture little hands enjoying pulling them out and playing with them later.

Lastly, check your expectations at the door. It's OK not to follow the directions. It's OK to skip around and not do all the days. It's OK to let kids be kids. The purpose of it all, after all, is to turn little eyes on Him, not to win Crafty Mother of the Year.

The purpose is to discover the treasures in the tinsel. (And I believe we did!)

Local? Going to give it a go next year? I have some extra supplies for one lucky lady who contacts me soon!


  1. We did some picking and choosing and ended up completing about half of the days. It was a nice peaceful after supper activity for us (on the days we ate supper at home with time to spare afterwards). Definitely one of our highlights each day we did it, and I'm looking forward to at least one more year with my almost 8 year old- maybe we'll do the other half of the days next year!

  2. What you accomplished was no small feat! I say you celebrate!


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