Monday, August 1, 2011

a picture is worth a thousand words

It's easy for me to gravitate towards the "perfect" picture when posting to my blogs, but sometimes the picture that tells the story is much more fun.

I love both of these pictures, but only one tells the real story.

Picture A gives you the impression that Ella is 100% ready to ride a two wheeler and that the sun always shines in Tylerville.

Picture B tells the true story. Our spunky little blondie still has a ways to go and makes Daddy more than a little bit nervous.

Which one do you think should make it to our picture blog??


  1. the one that tells the story...of course!:)

  2. I debate these things too. In the end, I try to use the one that tells the story...

  3. I have a hard time with this too. I always go for the cute picture first, but the story is the more important part... In this case I would go with the story or use an app to make a collage. :)

    And a little tip for the blonde one - try riding in the grass down a small (not too steep) hill. The grass slows you down and helps you balance a little bit to get a feel for things. Then step it up to the sidewalk. It helped with Holly. Good luck! Bike riding is so much fun!


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