Tuesday, November 6, 2012

small changes.

I've been mulling over some small changes around here. Some of these things I've already started doing, some of these things I used to do but stopped for unknown reasons (and would like to start again), and some of these things are brand new experiments...possible ways to help handle reoccurring frustrations.

Sabbath-ing on Sunday. I think honoring the Sabbath is a lovely idea, but I've always bought into the lie that there won't be enough time in the week if I take a whole day off. This summer, at a Revelation Wellness workout, the instructor talked about working hard so that we can rest well, a principle that applies both to exercise and to daily life. Last Sunday I avoided the computer, didn't do any housework (I made sure it was all caught up on Saturday), enjoyed a brisk, crunchy leaf walk through the woods with a friend, and then gathered with our community where we laughed together, cried together, and shared a meal. It was lovely. And as a bonus, the sky didn't fall.

Pushing social media to the back burner. I believe social media can serve a purpose, but I think it needs a slightly different place in my life right now. I find myself perusing social media sites when I'm bored. Or (authenticity alert!) I find myself inadvertently feeling sad or miffed over somebody else's post. Or I wonder about the life of a random acquaintance instead of checking in on someone on my home team. When I was a kid, we had definite rules about TV. It wasn't a bad thing or a forbidden thing but we weren't allowed to just turn on the TV and watch any old program. We had to have a plan - we had to know what we were watching and when we were watching it. And when the show was done, we turned the TV off.

I've thought about walking away from it all, cold turkey, for a while but I don't think that's the solution either. Sometimes I need to find a recipe I've pinned or plan a class party and Pinterest is perfect for that. Sometimes I need to communicate with a book club or post a workout or respond to an event and Facebook is good for that. I find actual inspiration and connection via Twitter and blogs, and I don't want to throw it all out...I just need to find some more balance. I've moved the social media sites off of my toolbar on my browser and off of the front page of my phone. I'm only going to check them when I have a purpose in mind and when I'm done, I'm signing out and stepping away.

Picking up the phone more. I'm not sold on this one yet, but I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I'm not a naturally extroverted person and it's not always convenient for me to pick up the phone and call. I will search high and low for an email address whenever possible and I tend to text before I will call. With this basement remodel, I'm finding I can get a lot more done if I just call instead of waiting for an email. And on a personal level, I think it might do my relationships some good if I made an effort to become a caller instead of type-er. (Feedback: are you a phone call sort of gal?)

Changing my middle name to "fun". I had a mommy meltdown this weekend and one of the things I told Matt is that I feel like he gets to be Fun Daddy (let's go for a bike ride! let's play cars!) and I'm usually Boring Mommy (brush your teeth! pick up your toys! do your homework!). I'm ready to put the fun back into motherhood. I need to let some things slide, ask for help when I need it, and basically just chill out and enjoy my kids while they're still little. I need to make time for play. For someone like me (highly productive, slightly uptight), that's easier said than done, but here's to giving it a try.
Re-tucking the kids in at night. I used to do this each and every night, in the days when I was a younger mother and possibly slightly more paranoid (but also more present?) There was also a time when Mady would wake up if you even got near her door so we stopped checking on her so we wouldn't wake her. I'm remembering, however, that making one last round before bed -- re-tucking sheets, re-positioning awkward sleep poses, brushing hair off of cheeks, reflecting on the day and our amazing kiddos...and one last silent prayer and a kiss -- is an amazing way to end a day. 

{Also on my mind} Climbing back on the She Reads Truth wagon; staying in the picture; drinking more water; intentional gift giving this Christmas season; de-cluttering the house (again).

Modern motherhood is demanding. I feel pulled in a hundred different directions each day all while trying to give my best to those in my life, to live the full life He promises, and to make sure I'm taking care of me. It's no small order. I don't have it all figured out (and I probably never will), but that doesn't mean I won't keep trying.

I know some of you already do a lot of these things (you are my inspiration!) What's worked for you? What small changes are on your mind?
My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:14-19


  1. Possibly my favorite post of yours!!! I agree to all of the above! The last kisses and silent prayers for my kids before my own head hits the sheets is so important. I've vowed to myself that as long as they live in this house, I will ALWAYS do that.
    Also, the social media thing is just getting out of control. I love blogging. I love facebook and I love Pinterest but, I spend too much time with those things.
    Anyway, I agree with you 100%!

  2. I can relate all the way. Great post! Praying that you'll have success in the small changes! :)

  3. Great post, Katie! Thanks for giving me some great things to think about.

  4. Newest follower here, super cute blog!

    P.S. I’m doing a $50 Shabby Apple giveaway on my blog. You should check it out here: http://meandmr.com/post/35113285949/shabby-apple-50-giveaway


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