Fire up!
It's the second volume of {living the width}!
In case you missed Volume I
{last month's link-up's + great reads},
the idea behind {living the width} is this:
a monthly mash-up of posts centered around intentional living,
new experiences, celebrations, community, pushing the limits,
glimpses of glory, and aha moments.
{last month's link-up's + great reads},
the idea behind {living the width} is this:
a monthly mash-up of posts centered around intentional living,
new experiences, celebrations, community, pushing the limits,
glimpses of glory, and aha moments.
I'd love to read your latest adventures, see your newest projects, and share in your joy as you seek to live not just the length of life, but the width of it as well.
{Party Guidelines}
1) Please read carefully: the intent of this link party is to share posts that inspire and motivate others and that showcase your very best bloggy (& living life well) work. I reserve the right to delete links that I don't feel meet these guidelines (no giveaways or Etsy shops, please).
2) All types of posts are welcome including crafting & DIY, tips & tricks; simplifying & organizing, parties & celebrations, musings & reflections, projects & challenges, milestones & accomplishments...and everything in between. Let's applaud each other for attacking life with intention and purpose!
3) Feel free to link up more than one post if you'd like, but in the spirit of the party, please don't go too bananas. In addition, please only link recent posts that were written and posted in the month that corresponds with the party (i.e. for this month, Volume II = June 2012). Make sure you link directly to your post, not just your blog.
3) Feel free to link up more than one post if you'd like, but in the spirit of the party, please don't go too bananas. In addition, please only link recent posts that were written and posted in the month that corresponds with the party (i.e. for this month, Volume II = June 2012). Make sure you link directly to your post, not just your blog.
4) Please share the blog love by posting the {living the width} button either within your blog post(s) or somewhere else on your blog. For bonus points, follow The Terpblog via Google Friend Connect on the sidebar or "Like" us on Facebook (or do both if you really want to be a rock star).
5) Lastly, go grab a cup of coffee and spend a few minutes clicking through some links below and commenting on your favs. Let's encourage each other and spread the love!

Katie - Thanks so much for hosting. Looking forward to reading some of the links next!