Sunday, April 14, 2013

underneath. {Project 52}

I love to read, but I don't own a lot of books. For the most part, I like to read books once. I like to borrow books. I like to pass books on when I'm done.

But I've noticed a trend lately. I've started to accumulate books. Pretty books. Inspiring books. Books that are both pretty and inspiring.

I'm enjoying creating an office space for myself, carved out in the corner of the basement. I threw sensibility to the wind and bought myself a pretty blue desk. I hung some favorite words on the wall. I found a comfy office chair from Costco. I cleared a space of honor for my pot of colorful pens. And I started stacking up my pretty + inspiring books on the shelf right where I could see them.

Oh, and I bought myself an owl. (If you must know, he spoke to me, straight from the shelf in the garden section at Target, and asked if he could come home.)

So now he sits. And underneath him sit my books.

I've either read these books or plan to read them soon. I like the people who wrote them. I respect them. I admire them. The books themselves -- the words inside them -- are game-changers. Life-changers. They inspire me. I hope they will inspire you too.

Bread & Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table, by Shauna Niequist

P.S. They're not just for show - I'd love to lend you my copy :)

P.P.S. What's on your bookshelf right now??


  1. I like your taste in books, and your taste in owls.

  2. Great book choices!!! I want to read a few of those, specifically 'One Thousand Gifts' and 'Carry on Warrior'. I'm just about to finish was good!

  3. Just finished Daring Greatly! And all the other books sound FAB! Putting them on my reading list now. I am also a graduate of Temple University - which makes ME an Owl! ;) Thank you!

  4. Books, books, lots of books! I like books stacked on shelves, strewn in baskets. I especially like vintage books found in musty, cluttered old book stores. Sometimes I take the best, or the prettiest, and leave them at the cabin, where they sit out the seasons, waiting for a new person to love them.


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